Barbara Bickel

Raw Energy

"Raw energy, as conceived, is experienced as spirit-in-motion in a process of manifestation—of making the invisible visible—and is rooted in an intra)inter-relational aesthetic....It resists the colonial lens by virtue of exploring inner subjective space, relinquishing colloquial aesthetic constraints, and enveloping a sacred space in which to restore, heal, and decolonize the imagination. Led by breath)spirit, touch, intuition,experiential and conversational exchanges, and compassionate relationships, creativelifeforce is activated to forge new ways of knowing—moving toward the extraordinary." St. Georges & Bickel, 2022, pp. 210-211

Winged Legged Avian Ancestress Journey

This is one example of the Avian Ancestress series that arrived through a process of Spontaneous Creation-Making. Each clay piece was created in a one sitting, air dried in my study/studio and then traveled in the neighbourhood with me until we found a place for their return to the Earth. While she was air drying she spent time in my study/studio with my books. I drew her likeness in my daily mandala sketch book. I then took her with me on a bike ride to my favorite sit-spot on a bank sparrow cliff at Nose Creek and she found her place in the grasses. I left her to return her to the Earth. Each Avian Ancestress in this series went through a similar process. I wrote about this process with Darlene St. George who I was collaborating with and it is published and you can view in the Art Research International Journal

Winged Legged Avian Ancestress in the studio, 2020.

Winged Legged Avian Ancestress at Nose Creek, 2020.

Winged Legged Avian Ancestress returning to the earth at Nose Creek, 2020.