"In aesthetical working-through the artist transforms time and space of an encounterevent into matrixial screen and gaze, and offers the other via com-passionate hospitality an occasion for fascinance." -- Bracha L. Ettinger,
I understand and experience art making to be a co-relational and performative ritual act. My art and inquiry projects to date have focused on socially-engaged art as public pedagogy, collaboration, and restorative and transformative learning. I have a particular interest in how embodied relationships with others, the environment and our selves, are represented, performed and understood in society. In many of these projects, I have worked with artists from diverse disciplines (i.e. dance, theatre, visual arts, creative writing, music), and with community members of all ages.
The past, present and future of my artworkings are devoted to understanding art and writing as an embodiment of sharable co-encounter events that hold possibilities for individual, cultural, ancestral and environmental re-attunement, critical inquiry, healing and transformation.
Barbara Bickel, 2024
Exhibitions, Screenings & Books
New 2023 Book

Avian Ancestress at foot of spruce tree
the tenacity of
ones’ knees
attendance to
Performative ritual enactment with raw clay figurine as part of a Creation Research project. Barbara Bickel, photograph fall 2020
On-Going Artworkings
Art, Ritual and Trance Inquiry Book Blog
a place for sharing events, conversations and teachings based
on the book
with R. Michael Fisher
Studio M*
a research creation lab intersecting arts, culture & healing
with R. Michael Fisher
with the Gestare Art Collective 2015
a community-engaged art project with the Gestare
Art Collective 2011-
Explorations of art, place and relationality 2015-2019
Bearing Bloodlines
Ancestral Invocations
collaboration with Tannis Hugill
Skin of the Earth
Raw Energy
ongoing since 2011
Oracular Re-Encounters
Arts-Based Residencies/Labs 2013-
Gestare Art Collective
Student's Art 2010-
Copyright Barbara Bickel 2024